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Unter dem Titel "Globale Chancen – Lokale Stärke: Internationalisierung und Innovation für mittelhessische Automobilzulieferer im Wandel" nehmen Sie unsere drei ExpertenInnen Tanja Zeizinger, Christina Deyl und Olaf Jüptner vom Enterprise Europe Network der Hessen Trade & Invest GmbH mit auf eine spannende Reise mit dem Blick über den nationalen Tellerrand hinaus.
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Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Martin Przewloka (THM)
Zeit: 29.06.2016 16:00 h - 29.06.2016 18:00 h
Ort: Room 01D05
Prof. Dr. Martin Przewloka (THM), Dr. Silke Schmidt (PUM)
Weitere Informationen:
Industrial production is facing a fundamental change. Economic and social challenges on global markets such as the shortage of resources, the rising demand for efficiently produced but individualized products, and the establishment of new working models require entirely new approaches to maintaining or expanding our competitiveness. Modern information and communication technology (ICT) plays a key transformational role in this era of Industry 4.0. One of the results of this development is the so-called “Smart Factory” that allows people, machines, and resources to communicate seamlessly and thus establish entirely new business models. Which impact do these changes have on education? How will we learn in the future in order to face these challenges? Are evolutionary or minor adjustments to existing models of learning sufficient? This lecture will provide practical insights into these issues and formulate central hypotheses as to how to implement necessary changes for the future of learning in a digitalized world.
Prof. Dr. Martin Przewloka
Martin Przewloka holds a professorship for Technology and Information Management at the University of Applied Sciences Mittelhessen (THM) and teaches at various other universities in Germany and abroad. He holds university degrees in economics, physics, and medicine. In the past, Przewloka spent 20 years at SAP AG holding various senior management positions. He served as Senior Vice President and Global Head of Internet Applications & Services. Before, he also headed SAP’s Innovation and Research Centers in Germany, Canada and South Africa and was responsible for various industry solutions and flagship products.
The event is organized as part of the course “Industry 4.0: How New Media Transform the Work Place” at the Institute for English and American Studies. Open to the public – all guests are welcome.
Institut für Anglistik/ Amerikanistik
Kontakt/Anmeldung: Dr. Silke Schmidt -